Behind the scenes at Handelsreizigers in Ideeën, Wouter Vermeylen (Turnhout, 1976) focusses on the broad spectrum of business development.
He is the founder and CEO of Yesplan (2011), a successful spinoff of Vooruit Arts Centre, which develops venue management software for the cultural sector worldwide.
In the early days of the internet, he was a pioneer at Vooruit with the ambitious project ‘Arts Centre of the Future’, which developed an innovative vision of the effects of digitalisation in the cultural sector. The efforts of Wouter and his team were recompensed in 2006 with the IT Manager of the Year prize.
Wouter acquired his focus to convert potentially successful ideas into a strong business plan in the Vlerick ‘Masterclass in Innovation and Entrepreneurship’.
He is ensuring expansion and the healthy ambition of strong organisations in the cultural sector as chairman of the board of trustees for MOVEDBYMATTER, an interdisciplinary arts organisation, and Nucleo, an organisation creating studio space for artists.